Happy New Year, Leaf Explorer!

What are some simple ways that you can make eco-swaps in this new year?

Let’s break down some ideas below!

Paper Towels vs Reusable Paper Towels or Cloths

At Leaf Explorers HQ, we used to use paper towels like they were going out of style! Now that we’ve swapped to reusable paper towels (that we have easily accessible in a drawer next to our sink), we’ve saved money, as well as are helping the planet by having less waste. ⁠

Toilet Paper vs a Bidet

We aren’t fully sold on cutting out toilet paper all together, but we do have some new options at Leaf Explorers HQ! We purchase our toilet paper through Who Gives A Crap, a company who make bamboo toilet paper as well as donate 50% of their profits to build toilets and aid to improve sanitation throughout the world. As well as we have bidets within our bathrooms which help keep waste low!

Plastic Wrap vs Beeswax Wrap

Between covering leftovers, cakes, and more - we used to use quite a bit of plastic wrap. Not any more! We source our beeswax wraps through a local company and beekeeper. Now, we can reuse and wash our wraps and not throwing out plastic wraps every time we finish a snack!

What are some eco-swaps that your family has done or are planning to do?

Keep exploring!


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