Flora & Fauna Lab
Beetles are the largest order of insects on our planet! They are very valuable in different ways such as their help with decomposing, and they also reduce populations of pesty insects.
Gnats are small flies with very long legs and antennae. They can be found in households especially in the cold winter months. There are different types of gnats including fungus gnats, drain flies, fruit flies, sand flies, eye gnats, and more!
Fireflies can be green, orange, or yellow! Larvae may glow even when they live underground or under the water to communicate to predators that they are not tasty.
Raccoons are known for their distinctive face “masks” where the fur around their eyes are black. This helps strengthen the image of raccoons being known as ‘bandits’ because they have very mischievous personalities and behaviors!
Toads are known for their dry and wart covered skin! Their skin is permeable, and toads are most active in wet weather! Toad’s skin also has glands that produce a substance called bufotoxin which is poisonous and can cause death to small animals.
Chickadees are beautiful little birds with a distinctive song you may have heard while hiking or camping in the forest! Chickadees are small birds that weigh only 0.3 to 0.4 ounces and they have a top flying speed of 12mph. They are known for their “cap” of dark feathers on their head that can distinguish them from other birds in the forest.