National Reptile Awareness Day

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Have you heard? It’s National Reptile Awareness Day!

There are over 10,000 different species of reptiles in the world, and we want to shine a light on them! Fun fact, reptiles are cold-blooded animals and need to bask in sun to raise their body temperature so that they can remain active throughout the day. Reptiles are mainly made up of lizards, snakes, and yes even turtles! They are known for having really thick skin that protects them like armour. Their armour is made up of bone plates for scales for everyday protection against lots of things in the wild!

Why do we celebrate this day?

This is an important day because we can take time to appreciate reptiles and learn more about them and why some of them are endangered. Since some reptiles are thought of as scary, this is a great day to educate ourselves on how they are not all scary, we just have to get to know them!

Reptiles are actually a very integral and important part of our ecosystem and help to keep the environment healthy. Unfortunately, because some humans hunt for their eggs and their natural habitats are being taken over, lots of the species are endangered and some are even close to extinction.

How can you see these fascinating creatures?

Go for a walk by a pond or in a park and you may be able to catch a glimpse of one or two reptiles! It would also be a fun treasure hunt the next time you go for a hike if you keep your eye open for one of these scaly creatures.

If you don’t live near a reptile’s natural habitat, try going to a pet store or a zoo and seeing the reptiles that are there! There will be more information about specific reptiles that you can learn at the zoo, and if you are lucky, you may even see a demonstration or get to hold one!

Don’t feel like either of these, try visiting a museum that may have bones of their ancestors… the dinosaurs!

Want to do more?

  • You can always be a bit more green! Reducing your water use is a great start. You could even go for a hike and pick up waste that you see that could be harmful to the reptiles. 

  • Develop your green thumb! You can dig out your gardening tools and plant some native vegetation in your garden. Try to find plants that need less water and fertilizers to really help, and try to find alternatives to pesticides and other toxic products.

  • You can look out for any reptiles trying to cross the road, like turtles and assist them by helping them cross! Make sure you look up the safe way to move them so it doesn’t hurt them or you.

Fun Facts About Reptiles

Here are some fun facts about these scaly creatures!

  • Reptiles are some of the longest-lived species on the planet. The Aldabra tortoise can live for over 150 years!

  • Evidence of the earliest reptiles dates back to 312 million years ago.

  • Reptiles do not have sweat glands which means that they are not slimy, instead, their skin is usually cool and dry.

Do you know any more cool facts about reptiles? Let us know what they are!

Keep exploring!


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