Fun Outdoor Activities For Wintertime

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

There are so many fun things that you and your family can enjoy this winter! Whether you want to be outside in the snow, hitting up the local festivities, or making fun crafts, there is something for everyone on this list!

Snowball Fight

Who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned snowball fight? You can gather the family, make snowballs, and commence a fun game! If you want to try something a little different, instead of throwing them at each other, set up a target practice!

Build a Snowman

You can rummage through the closet and find some hats and other accessories that you can dress the snowman up with! You can also hunt around your yard for twigs, berries, rocks, or anything else to decorate your snow people with too! You can even turn it into a neighbourhood event and invite all the families to participate.

Build an Igloo or Snow Fort

What is more fun than crafting a fortress with snow? Gear up with some warm clothes and go to work building a little snowy sanctuary.


This can be a great winter activity that can get the whole family outside and in the snow! Don’t worry if you don’t want to go downhill skiing, there is also cross-country skiing that is really fun and a great way to see some beautiful countryside. 


Lace-up those skates and find a frozen lake or make an ice rink in your own backyard! If you can’t do it outside, find a local skating rink where you can skate all day and maybe even play a fun game of hockey! 


Not as into the fast-paced outdoor sports? Why not take a stroll through the snowy woods with some snowshoes? It is a great way to be in nature and maybe even catch a glimpse of an animal or two!

Follow Animal Tracks

Hit the woods or a local park and scour the ground for some animal tracks! You can use fresh snow to find tracks of various woodland animals. Some examples of animals include rabbits, foxes, deer, and squirrels. You can even make it into a game! Try to see who can spot the most, who can spot the biggest or smallest, and who can spot the weirdest ones! Try to guess what animal made the tracks and where the animal was going. If you don’t recognize the tracks, take photos and look them up when you get home to see what animal made them!

Go Tobogganing or Sledding

This is another classic winter activity that you and your family can enjoy together. Find a hill in your neighbourhood to slide down or go to a ski resort for a bigger and faster experience. 

Christmas Light Walk

It is always fun to go for a walk through neighbourhoods and look at the pretty Christmas lights and decorations. Make some hot coca for the walk and away you go!

share your adventures with us!

We’d love to see what kind of fun adventures you get up to as a family! Share your posts on social media with our hashtag #LeafExplorations or send us an email!


Happy Thanksgiving!


Winter Playlist for Kids