Arts And Crafts To Try This Winter

arts and crafts, art activities, craft activities, things to do with kids, leaf explorers, leaf explorations

Get out the hot glue gun! it’s time to get crafty!

As the nights gets darker, the temperature gets colder, and Jack Frost is nipping at your nose, you may find that you’re spending more time indoors. Here’s some crafty ideas to do as a family to enjoy winter to the fullest! Read on for a list of our favorite arts and crafts that you can try at home, as a family!

Make Garland for Birds

Making a garland for birds is something the whole family will enjoy! There are lots that you can do for this activity, such as string up popcorn, cheerios, cranberries, pretzels or dried fruits. You could also use slices of dried oranges or apples, or even dip pinecones in peanut butter and roll them in birdseed and hang those on the string!

Blow Ice Bubbles

Your children will love this one! Blowing a bubble and watching it turn to ice is such a fascinating activity! If it’s below freezing outside, take your bubble mix out and start blowing bubbles! It might take a few tries, but keep at it because the result is worth it! 

Hunt for the Perfect Christmas Tree

Cutting down a Christmas tree can be such a fun family tradition! It is a great way to get the family outside into the fresh air. You can hike through the woods to find the perfect tree, or you can also purchase a live tree and support a farm. There isn’t too much that beats the smell of a freshly cut tree in your home! If you need tips on what to do before you go tree hunting or how to choose the right tree, here’s a great post with tips on cutting down your own tree.

Make Snow Ice Cream

Doesn’t this sound fun and delicious? This is a fun activity to do with kids and it’s easy! One recipe you can make combines 1 cup milk/cream, 1/3 cup sugar, 1 tsp vanilla extract, and 8 cups clean snow. Mix it all together, and keep adding snow until you get the creamy consistency you want. Then top with sprinkles! Yum!

Try Making Maple Syrup Snow Candy

Why not try making maple syrup snow candy? This easy activity only requires some pure maple syrup and snow! Grown-up supervision is a must with this activity as you will need to help your little ones heat up the syrup and then pour it hot into the snow to solidify. For the full set of directions, check out this awesome maple syrup snow candy post.

Make Sun Catchers

Yes, you can make suncatchers from ice! They are not only beautiful but super easy to make! Take the kids outside and gather items such as branches, berries, flowers, leaves, and anything else your find (the more colourful, the better). Use a plastic lid, paper plate, pie plate or silicone mould as the mould for your suncatcher.

Fill the mould with water and add your natural elements in any design of your choosing! Leave them outside for a few hours or overnight to freeze. Gently remove the ice suncatcher from the mould and hang it from a tree branch or window sill.

Pro Tip: Rumor has it that if you want your ice to be crystal clear, boil the water first! For a full tutorial, check out our post on how to make frozen ice suncatchers.

Bake Christmas Cookies

What is more classic than huddling in the kitchen and baking some delicious Christmas cookies? Go through some recipes with the kids and make some festive treats that you can then share with family, friends, and neighbours!

Create Color Ice Globes

Don’t have snow? No problem! All you need to do is fill some water balloons with water and a few drops of food colouring. Let the balloons freeze either outside or in the freezer. Once they are frozen, pop the balloon and see the beautiful colourful globe you have created! Take them outside to play with or decorate your yard!

Add Food Coloring to Snow

Have you ever tried spray painting snow? Simply add food colouring and water. You can put the mix into a spray bottle and go get creative. You could even try spray painting your snowman or snow fort!

share your winter themed arts & crafts with us!

We would love to know what your favourite winter activities are! Tag @leafexplorers on Instagram!


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